eyelash extensions

New classic set $155

Classic fill $85

lash Removal $40

  • Eyelash extensions are semi-permanent, synthetic hair-like fibers that are applied directly to your natural lash hair with specially formulated non-irritating glue to enhance your natural lashes, eye shape and overall appearance.

    The process of classic eyelash extensions is adhering one (1) synthetic hair to one (1) natural eyelash. Volume extensions are fans of 3-12 synthetic hairs to (1) natural lash. Hybrid extensions are a combination of classic & volume sets.

  • There are so many great benefits to having lash extensions, here’s a few!

    > Enhance your eyes and your look

    > Add length and volume to your natural lashes

    > Toss that mascara, you wont need it anymore

    > Saves you time getting ready

    > Lash extensions are waterproof, so look fab all day, everyday !

  • For new clients, please review and sign the Eyelash Extensions Consent Form.

    It is best to arrive without eye makeup, mascara or oil based lotion around the eye area. 

    You are welcome to remove your makeup before your appointment begins, but please note this may take time away from your actual lash extension application. Feel free to come 10-15 minutes prior to your appointment if you will need extra time to remove makeup.

    Use the restroom! Lash appointments range from 1.5 hours to 3 hours depending on the service booked. During this time your eyelids will be taped closed — perfect for napping. :)

    If you wear contact lenses, feel free to bring an extra pair of lenses or a case and solution if it is more comfortable for you to remove them.

    Before/After Photos will be taken to record in your client file. Be sure to indicate on the consent form if you provide permission to be featured in any public sharing of your photos such as social media. 

  • Try not to get your lashes wet within the first 24 hours of application. This allows the glue to fully cure. We do have a super-bonder that can allow you to get your lashes wet after your appointment, ask us about it!

    Within the first 24-48 hours, if you experience any irritation, redness, itchiness please contact us right away to help you troubleshoot the problem. In very rare cases, allergies may become apparent and removal of lash extensions may be required and will be done free of charge.

  • Cleanse lashes DAILY with a gentle oil-free cleanser. I have a cleanser available for retail as well.

    Gently dry your lashes with a fan or air-dry before brushing with a spoolie.

    Pick flowers, not your lashes.

    Toss your mascara. You don't need it anymore because your lashes are fab already! The mascara will also clump your lashes together and the chemicals will likely affect the lash adhesive.

  • Don’t forget to schedule your lash fills, ideally every 2-3 weeks depending on your natural lash growth cycle.

    Fallout is normal! Approximately 40-60% lash retention is expected 2 weeks after previous application.

    Lower lash retention may be subject to additional fees and would be communicated at the beginning of the service.

    The average lifespan of an eyelash is between 4-6 weeks. Between 90-150 eyelashes grow on each of your eyelids. When one falls out, it will soon be replaced by a new lash.