Soulsis sessions:
reiki Energy Healing

harmonizing with energy

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” -Albert Einstein


Reiki (1hr - in person) $77
Acupressure + Reiki (75 mins) $99
Reiki + Life Coaching (2hrs) $130

  • A gentle, non-invasive healing technique where the practitioner uses their hands to deliver “life force” energy into the subject to activate the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restore physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

    Sessions can be as frequent as you feel called. For some that is anywhere from daily to annually.

  • It is common for “life force energy” to become low or not flow in harmony. In these moments, we are more susceptible to feel life’s stressors and our immune systems may weaken.

    Reiki energy improves the flow and balance of your energy to support natural healing. When our energy is harmonized, we are open to many healthy benefits. Often clients experience feeling of relaxation, a clearer headspace, reduction in stress, improved sleep, anxiety relief, overall “lighter” feeling and much more.

  • Reiki sessions with me are 30, 60 or 90-minute appointments depending on the type of service scheduled. For first-timers, I recommend at least a 60-minute session in-person. This gives us the time to go over consultation and expectations during your session.

    I like to advise my clients that it is important to be present in the moment, be willing to receive the treatment and try not to over-think the process too much. Reiki, really is a form of self-care, so treat yourself to this form of relaxation.

    During the session, expect to be fully clothed and I will have you lay on my treatment table or zero-gravity chair. I will take you through a short-guided meditation coupled with relaxing music and energy clearing modalities such as burning sage or placing healing crystals on or around your body. As I work through chakras, you may feel comforting warm, cool or tingling sensations. Some clients have shared experiences with visions, scents, or sounds. Others fall asleep, fall into a deep meditative state, have an emotional release, or will need to use the restroom right after the session. This is very common during a Reiki session and is nothing to be alarmed about. I like to think of it as a way for your soul to release what no longer belongs to you in order to make space for what does. Ultimately, everyone’s experience is different, however the body and soul is receiving therefore allowing you to feel calm and relaxed.

    After your session, you may feel very calm and relaxed. The idea is to bring this state with you. I will give you time to be present in the moment and slowly come off the table or chair. We will chat a bit to see how your session went before you go. Make sure to drink lots of water and stay hydrated as this will help you stay grounded and continue your healing.

  • My method is a hands-off approach, but in certain times if called to do so I may apply light pressure to areas aligned with your chakra.

    I do not diagnose, nor do I prescribe medication. I do not contradict medical advice. While I will do my best to help you on your healing journey, I do not guarantee an outcome.